The vaping industry has been evolving really speedily in the recent decades. E-cigarettes helps more and more smokers turn smoking into vaping which is much more healthier. However, too much water drowned the miller. Vaping developing so rapidly has endangered the interests of traditional tobaccos. Thus, there are more and more restrictions and bans on E-cigarettes. In China, Hong Kong will ban sales, manufacture, importation, distribution, or promotion of vapor products and heat-not-burn (HNB) tobacco products according to the South China Morning Post. A conviction for any of these crimes could result in up to six months in jail and a fine of 50,000 Hong Kong dollars (about $6,370 U.S.). In India, last December, the country’s ministry of electronics and IT proposed changes to India’s InformationTechnology Act , which would require Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and so on to remove online content that promotes ENDS. In Canada, following the release of a campaign targeti...